Simplifying Data Analytics for All.

Transform Your Data into AI-Driven Insights Fast
No Technical Skills Needed.

Data analytics today, is broken...

Its expensive

From tools to talent, the high cost of performing meaningful data analytics can be a significant barrier, limiting access to larger organizations with deeper pockets.

Requires Expertise

While data analytics offers a competitive edge, it demands specialized expertise. This steep learning curve often excludes those without a background in data science from leveraging its full potential.

From data to decisions in minutes – redefines how you interact with data analytics.

Empowering Business Growth

Supercharge Your Data With AI driven Business Intelligence

Effortless Data Integration

Seamlessly upload or connect your data sources with just a few clicks. Begin your journey towards data-driven insights without any technical hurdles.

Conversational Insights Discovery

Simply ask your questions and let our AI-powered chatbot transform them into detailed analyses. Unlock the power of data without writing a single line of code.

Dashboard Wizardry

Craft custom dashboards with ease. Visualize your data your way, and make informed decisions by bringing critical metrics to the forefront.

Start analysing your data in minutes.

Basic plan

A plan for you to start your journey on
Upto 50MBs for each file
Upto 10 CSV file uploads, SQL Databases Integration
3 Customisable Dashboards
Basic chat support
Automatic updates
Get in touch

Enterprise plan

Advanced features and reporting.
Contact for pricing
Everything in our basic plan plus....
200+ Custom integrations
Advanced Visualisations
Unlimited File Hosting
Unlimited Queries
Priority chat support
Transforming Data into Decisions


Launch right now and get started on your data analytics journey. Don't forget to connect with the co-founder to provide your valuable feedback, questions and suggestions.

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